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As women become older or reach menopause, changes in vaginal health can start to become bothersome. The changes are caused by a decline in women's natural estrogen levels and as a result women start experiencing changes associated with this decline. One of the most significant changes can be feeling vaginal...
Learning advanced techniques in robotic surgery takes time and dedication. Throught the Robotics Gynecology Mini-Fellowships doctors from all over the country and internationally undergo an intensive experience with Dr. Caceres.
MonaLisa Touch is a laser used for improving vaginal health in women. Patient's experience immense rewards from the therapy. Dr. Caceres now offers MonaLisa Touch to patients. Patient testimonials:“When I underwent the MonaLisa Touch procedure I was a little nervous and after the procedure, I came out almost bouncing off the...
Women go through many life stages and understanding your health needs along those stages is key. Check out the radio interview where Dr. Caceres explains further.